Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brief History of Cryptocurrency With Special Emphasis on JD Coin

Gone are the days when knowledge of people regarding currency only revolved around pieces of paper that they held in their own hands. Today they are simply amazed by the idea of storing value in digital form in something known as cryptocurrency. This massive shift is the result of decades of mathematical study, progressive thinking as well as strong attempts of changing the world’s existing and centrally controlled economic system.

Early experiments with cryptocurrency

The idea of getting digital currency is not a new one. Prior to cryptocurrencies, many attempts of creating one have taken place. In fact, people started toying up with the idea of virtual currency as early as 1980s when the ideas were translated into experiments around money.

As extension to popular encryption algorithm RSA, the popular cryptographer from the US namely David Chaum invented the first form of internet money as DigiCash in Netherlands but its popularity was only for short span. In the second phase, startups made payment solutions as well as virtual money systems with little bit tweak and then PayPal emerged in the scenario. It offered continuous peer-to-peer transfer mechanism as well as the way of accepting payment for merchants. Another attempt was e-Gold that accepted gold deposits from the users and then issues gold credits to their accounts but its popularity too was short-lived.

Nakamoto’s gift came to the fore

The economic crisis of 2008 in the US became the barrier in the world economy and it eventually saw the rise of good samaritan called Satoshi Nakatomoto. In 2009, he published the whitepaper elucidating the technology, concept as well as source code for implementation of blockchain. He also introduced the first cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. However the invention of Nakamoto was only based on foundational technology.

The emergence of cashless and electronic money based economy

Upon surge in the interest in Bitcoin and also blockchain since the year 2009, a number of other cryptocurrencies came into existence. Currently, there are over 850 cryptocurrencies being traded around the world.  Ripple, ZCash, Litecoin are some examples of existing coins. The total capitalization of cryptocurrencies crossed $100 billion in 2017, a milestone in the cryptocurrency world.

As an obvious outcome, a new industry of cryptocurrency trading has emerged worldwide. The blockchain-based applications surely make use of cryptocurrency by all possible means. To that extent, the exchange plays the vital role of provider of access to cryptocurrencies, which the people will use so as to utilize such blockchain-based applications.

Proposed in 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, the project of Ethereum also went live in the year 2015. It is the open-source and blockchain based distributed computing platform whose key highlights include smart contracts, Ethereum Virtual Machine and also a set of programming languages in order to develop blockchain applications amongst others.

How JD Coin Can Make All the Difference?

Offers Transparency

It is one of the companies in the cryptocurrency world with all the details available on its website. Be it about the Board of Directors or any other information or legal documents, everything is accessible. Utmost transparency is maintained by this company.


With the goal to work solely for the investors, this company develops a work plan to ensure that the investors get maximum ROI or Return of Investment. Genuineness is what sets it out in the hardcore competitive world.

Provides ultimate superiority 

In order to ensure that all the transactions are secured, JD Coin has built a special Anti-Money Laundering program for the users’ benefits.

In a nutshell, A relatively new cryptocurrency called JD Coin is competing in the race with Bitcoin for popularity as well as dominance.  Below is a brief comparison between Bitcoin and JD Coin which highlights why the latter one is to be trusted.

Ownership info

While any detail on ownership of Bitcoin is still not known, everything about JD Coin is accessible on its official website.

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Program

As already mentioned, JD Coin has developed an exclusive Anti-Money Laundering program for the benefits of the users. Bitcoin is yet to come up with such scheme.

Transaction Volume

While the transaction volume of Bitcoin is 21 million, that of JD Coin is as high as 84 million.

Transaction time

Compared to Bitcoin that mined only one every 10 minutes, one JD Coin is mined just in 1 minute.

Future of Cryptocurrencies 

The philosophy of the cryptocurrencies seems to break down all the barriers especially in context of trading and finance. Within few years it is assumed that this new age currency may be popular enough for mainstream adoption of the blockchain based application. It will indeed herald a new era replacing centralized and government-controlled money with a decentralized and distributed alternative being controlled by nothing apart from the market forces.

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